Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Clouds-The bearer of rains and pakoda or more?

Ask a kid about huge incoming dark clouds and the answer would always be rains were around the corner. Even the adults would have bet on seeing huge dark clouds that rain was around the corner but seeing the erratic behavior of the rains for the past few years the adults won’t bet on the clouds anymore. Keeping aside the possibility of rains associated with the dark clouds, what they surely bring is the aroma of hot and freshly made pakodas into the homes of thousands.

Have you ever wondered how such light-weighted gravity defying clouds can carry such a huge volume of water enough for the 7 billion strong world? Clouds can carry huge amounts of water because of the air present in the clouds rises and the rising air keeps pushing the water droplets upwards. Similarly, clouds can carry our data (Not literally). Yes, you heard that right! Storing data on cloud (read Internet) has been a technological revolution. Not only data but many computing services such as servers, databases, networking and analytics can be delivered on the Internet (‘The Cloud’). Storing data and availing these services over the Internet has a term – Cloud Computing.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is delivering of computing power, database storage, servers, analytics and other IT resources through a cloud services platform via the internet. Cloud computing is basically a
simple way to access servers and databases and other application services over the internet.

How does cloud computing work?

A cloud services platform will own and maintain the system associated equipment required for the application services while you arrange and utilize what you require through a web application.

Is it safe?

Cloud computing makes it
easier to access your files wherever you are. All files can be documented and be uploaded to an appropriate place. These files can only be accessible by those who have been granted permission. Moreover, accidental deleting of files is almost impossible since completely deleting cloud content is not so easy. In addition, cloud computing ensures your ideas are not just confined to one piece of hardware. If the hardware gets stolen the valuable contents are still accessible via the cloud. Some advanced encryption algorithms have also been applied to cloud computing to increase the protection of privacy. Don’t worry your data is safe!

Benefits of using Cloud Services

  • Increased Speed and Agility
  • No need to maintain data-centers
  • Achieve a lower variable cost
  • Reliability
Our Product ZipERP makes use of these benefits and gives you an easier and convenient way to manage your enterprise and lets you enjoy those mouth-watering pakodas!